Excited Experience
The Memory That You Never Forget With Us
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Our Doctrine

The Church Of Expermentia Aurea Alas

Members in counting

Lives helped
What are our religious beliefs?
Our religion doesn’t follow the concept of a god, or a deity. We focus on the movement of a path that allows for people in our religion to self-reflect while also working to commit to self-realization with the greater community/family, utilizing love, acceptance, and social safety nets that promote open-minded thinking. All in a setting that allows for care for our brothers and sisters. What we believe in is our humanity to help others, and to rely on our paths of gratitude, altruism, and hope. That includes the uses of family and emotional development, as all roads in life are built differently for each situation and our beliefs in such teachings can help move others along. In that way, all are needed to be watched and guided by the wings of our experience as we know no one or two problems are the same. We also have our beliefs in being aware of the natures that surround us, as we should work to protect them. They are our homes, our lakes, and our animals. It is important to protect what we have as we mean to be environmentally conscious of what’s to us important to protect in a bigger system than ourselves. In hindsight, we are eco-friendly and self-aware of how our members are to take care of nature and respect what feeds us, as we know this is right inline with our way of living as our beliefs tell us we are to work with nature, and not against the tide it gives us. We will work to lower our carbon footprint and to live a fulfilling life accordingly.